For You To Be Earning from Blogging You Gotta Get Planning!
1I’ll repeat that title ‘For you to be earning from Blogging, you have got to start planning’. It is so obvious, but how many people actually take the time to sit down and work out an action plan for how they are going to make blogging work for them on any level. In making that statement I am not saying that you have to analyze everything to the ninth degree and use it as an excuse for not taking action. But you do need a plan of some sort, even if it is really very basic. For example there are actions you need to have a handle on to help focus your campaign. Because earning from blogging is all about a successful campaign that is undertaken, wherever possible, to achieve defined goals. This is a short list of topics to consider:
- What strategy(s) are you going to use to get traffic to your blog
- What income streams are you going to target
- How much are you prepared to pay for blogging tools
- What is your target income and in what time frame
- How much time are you going to allocate to social media interaction, commenting on blogs, writing articles etc.
- What blog platform are you going to use
- What is your post frequency going to be
- What is your blog topic and how long are you prepared to give it serious effort to see if its worth pursuing
- What skills do you have versus new skills you need to learn
- What media are you going to use to provide your blog content
This list could be much longer or maybe shorter; it is at the end of the day your list and what you think you need to consider. Also it is often that in asking yourself one question you answer another. For example you decide you want to use vlogging as a media for your posts, then you realise you don’t know how to create a vlog. So now you know that is a skill you need to learn and that you need to set aside some time to do it. You may also decide its so important that you prioritize it ahead of some of your other action items.
This brings me to another point, for you to be doing anything constructive you will need to develop an action plan from your list of considerations i.e. a list of tasks that need to be completed and a date by which you want to have them done. In creating your action plan you need to be realistic and to allow enough time to work through the actions.
If you haven’t started to blog yet, your first action plan should probably be aimed at ensuring you take the required steps to post your first ever blog post; in other words how to create a blog. Of course that blog needs to be something you are passionate about, something you are prepared to sit down and plan a strategy for, because lets face it, working out a plan is probably not something you thought you would have to do when the idea of blogging first came into your mind.
Wherever you are in your blogging experience there will always be a need for an action plan for you to be able to make progress to the next level or stage. Even the most experienced bloggers will be planning what they are going to do next, there may be a difference in that the action plan eventually becomes one of strategy rather than the physical how to of blogging, but there will be an action plan. Because earning from blogging doesn’t happen by accident!
I agree with you. If you want to have a successful blog, you have to plan everything. From your domain name to link building strategy. There are a lot of things to consider and it requires hard work. Goodluck!