The advantages of having a blog
Why do some of us create blogs and why do others read them? This is actually an important question since its answer covers the working principle behind the entire phenomenon.[…]
Everything A Blogger Needs to Know About SEO, Web Marketing and Social Signals
Why do some of us create blogs and why do others read them? This is actually an important question since its answer covers the working principle behind the entire phenomenon.[…]
Starting blogging is easy but being a successful blogger who gains much sought after traffic from the Internet community is much more difficult to achieve. Search engine optimisation widely referred to as SEO is a skill in itself and becoming proficient at it requires a dedicated and concerted effort.
This post is essentially an article that gives you blogging explained as a subject in its own right. Although blogging has an exponential increase in popularity there are still a lot of people out there who simply do not know anything at all about the concept of blogging. Reading this post will at least give those people a rudimentary understanding of what it is about.