Getting quality content for your blog
9An Internet marketing guide stresses the importance of using only quality content for blog pages, yet, the question remains: how can one decide what is quality web content and what is not? I would suggest that we start from the very nature of the blog: a highly informational and personal site which tackles subjects on a specific topic. Hence, when designing the blog, don’t make it too complex, stick to simple structures that allow users to easily follow the content of the blog. The frame should also be very simple and the eventual ads and links need to naturally blend in the content of the blog enhancing and improving the visitors experience on the site. Web design provides a great advantage of using similar fonts and formats, so only some elements on the page stand out and you should use these features for optimal affect.
Furthermore, you may have learned by now that you need to create the site content around some high-in-demand keywords that users type in the search box of the engine. The more the keywords, the higher the chances to have your blog appear in the first result pages. However, many bloggers misunderstand keyword density. The blog content should naturally include the keywords in an easy-to-read kind of way; a keyword density that goes higher than 2 or 3% could make the articles less appealing to the reader, this is generally because the flow of the text is lost and makes reading the article less natural and more difficult to follow. It is worth looking for sites that can provide you with a keyword density analyzer to assess whether you have overdone things on that aspect and provide you with the option of rewording the text to a more natural state.
So think a little differently about how you approach the writing of the text, think ‘not what my keyword can do for me, but what can I do for my keywords’.
There are some tips you may consider when creating quality content for a blog. First of all, regardless of the domain and the target audience, it should be reader-friendly and reader-oriented no matter what the subject. This means that even when you deal with a scientific topic, you can still keep the reader’s attention vivid since not everybody who visits your blog has a professional cultural background. Write everything in short or medium-sized paragraphs so that the information naturally flows without being hard to track in case of an interruption. Don’t use misspellings or phrases that do not make sense when addressing third parties however appealing they may be from a keyword value perspective.
Statistics show that blogs that include links in the article content are more successful than those who present links at the bottom of the page for instance. Inserted links allow the reader to get an in context explanation of a concept or provide the opportunity to show interest for specific products or services. Furthermore, the blogs that make a happy combination of written content, pictures and videos are considered a lot more appealing to the average Internet user, and thus receive a lot more traffic. The key to being successful within the blogging system is definitely continuous adaptation to the desires of the target market.
Great information. I like your blog template. Very low key and blue is my favorite color! LOL
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
.-= The Redhead Riter´s last blog ..Texting, Driving and Crashes =-.
great blog keep up the good work
.-= asfahan´s last blog ..Privacy Policy =-.
Brian, a great article, I very much believe in adding links throughout the article whenever possible. I thank you for your comments as well and hope to see you again soon. I see I have a few more blogs of yours to go to 🙂
One minor thing. My eyes are getting old and if you could either make the font larger or darker, or both, it would help the blind people like me out……….
.-= Glenn´s last blog ..The Devil Is Sharp Tongued Wintour =-.
Very good advice to help build a solid beginning to blogging and /or websites. Good luck on building yours, you are off to a great start. I will keep in touch, I am always looking for good advice 🙂 Thanks
.-= Man Over Board´s last blog ..Odds and Ends =-.
I also maintain several blogs to earn money online. sometimes it is hard to keep your daily earnings to stable levels..;-:
The levels will rise and fall that is natural, the key is always about having enough targeted traffic coming to your blog looking for the products you are offering. So it is worth examining your keywords and ensuring they are aimed at the right audience, if they are not think about tweaking your titles and headings to get the right keywords showing up in search results.
Hmm yes very true. It is valuable for a post to have links within in. Using anchor text is very important to drive more traffic to your blog. Helpful post. Keep it up!
Yes and of course what many people may not realise is that internal linking to a particular page can give that page a page rank boost. For example every page on a website linking back to the home page lifts the importance of the home page a little.
thanks, nice content,
yes when building a blog site, is good one keep the blog simple so visitors can make use of the site easily, get the information they are looking.
when blog site are simple, it makes the reader to stay longer on the site and possibly come back again