RedGage a new way to earn money online – free to register
6RedGage – Free Subscription for earning money online on a pay per views basis. (new membership may be on hold for a while, but you can leave your email to be notified when they start accepting subscribers again)
If any of your information gets featured you can also earn a bonus. I have signed up and I am loving it (well most of it), just put any of your internet stuff in their database and start earning, its as simple as that, the more impressions you get the more money you get.
You can post blogs, photos, website links, documents and videos. You get paid for any views your content gets, unbelievable really, what have you got to loose.
Additional Benefits
- Free back links to your websites or blogs if you upload a link to RedGage
- Another source of traffic i.e. the Redgage community
- Some of the links register higher in search engine results than the actual domain, this will get more significant as they get more established
- Daily, weekly and monthly competitions, prizes being given out if you enter and win a competition, these can be quite significant.
Recently Redgage have gone through a complete upgrade of their site and all the content uploads and data entry now runs a lot more smoothly than it did when they first got up and running. It has to be said when people first started using the site, they could get very frustrated very quickly as things simply did not work the way they were supposed to. Obviously with any large social site there will be times when you hit the odd glitch, but from my recent experience with Redgage things have improved by an order of magnitude.
For help on how to get started just type in ‘by rghelp’ in the search box once you are signed up and you will find all the tutorials, it is so easy though, you probably won’t even need half of them.
One of the main things you need to do is get traffic to your posts so you can start earning and potentially winning competitions, you can link to your friends on MySpace, FaceBook, Digg, etc. you can email people, import your blogs for automatic updates all sorts of ways to get traffic.
Have a look this is just great. If you want to have a look first you can find my stuff here.
When you sign up make sure you type ‘BrianRS’ in the referred by box, without the commas.
Need any further help then leave me a comment.
One of the positive things about RedGage is that all you are doing is linking to your existing content, which means that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel and come up with something new.
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Recently, there has been a great deal of investigation by the
American FTC against bloggers and website promoters
for not publishing advertising revenue, or existing
connections with advertising agencies.
What are your personal thoughts concerning how this could effect
the blog community?
It is pretty clear to me, all sources of income have to be declared. That is whether you are working in the evenings doing odd jobs as a handyman or generating income from your Internet activities.
I live in France and have registered myself as an Internet Marketer as a part of my business. So as and when I earn from those activities I have to register that income on my tax return at the end of the year. Of course for many people the sums involved may not be very significant but that does not change anything, they still have to be declared.
My experience with Redgage has been very positive. I’ve gotten several feature bonuses and won 1 daily contest for $25. I asked for my Visa card as soon I hit the minimum to cashout and it arrived much quicker than expected. You’re right about the frustrations with glitches…they do need to fix that.
Hi Bestmommy, yes I have had a similar experience and started to build a reasonable level of income for a business that runs on autopilot. I do think sometimes if I promoted the links and interacted more that I may get more traffic, but for the moment I am happy with the results as I virtually do little more than push my articles and photos onto the site.
this is very interesting, you earn and generate traffic for your blog at the same time? i should give this a try. thanks for sharing!