PPC – Google Adsense Isn’t The Only Option
0PPC (pay per click) is an established and well known method for generating income from Blogs and Websites. Using Google Adsense is probably one of the best known methods and has been adopted by many bloggers and webmasters to establish very credible incomes in some cases. That said if you ask the question on any blogging forum, and get answered truthfully, you will probably find that there are a vast number of people that simply don’t get sufficient clicks to earn more than what would be considered peanuts for the amount of effort put it.
So for every person making reasonable money there are likely to be about 10 making next to nothing and wondering why they bother. Part of the reason is that you are only receiving a small percentage of the value of the click, so if the value of the click is low then clearly the percentage paid out for the Google Adsense portion is even lower. On top of that you have to bring targeted traffic to your site that may be interested in your adverts, you have to test and establish the most effective advert formats and make sure you do not provide too many distractions that will lead your visitors away from the Google Adsense ads. So all in all quite a lot to think about just to get a click that may be worth anything from a few cents to perhaps a couple of dollars depending on the subject matter of your site.
So it seems pretty clear that if you are spending time getting traffic to the site then you are going to need to think about optimizing that site for more than just Google Adsense. What you actually need is a whole portfolio of products, services and ads that can all generate an income. But then, there is always a ‘but then’, you cannot be portraying yourself like a lascivious lady of the night only after one thing, the cash.
Your visitors need to feel like they have arrived at a place of interest, somewhere that gives value in return for the time they have decided to spend visiting your site, somewhere that entertains, informs and or provides a valued service worth considering. A good analogy for many is the gauntlet so many of us have run getting to a beach in a foreign resort where the ‘time share touts’ have moved in. They badger, harass and worry you every day to go look at their products when all you wanted to do was relax on a beach and you already know you don’t want the product they are selling. But will they leave you in peace to get to the beach, not a chance, they are going to pester you every step of the way until you give in or you find a different route. Well that’s what your visitors will do, find a different route, which on the Internet means they go somewhere else.
There are solutions to this dilemma, firstly you can stick to the mixture of great content a few ads, some relevant products or services and an engaging site that provides interest. It’s all about getting the balance right and providing value for the time spent on the site and products worth the money that are relevant and appeal to the visitors your site bring in naturally.
Secondly you can look for a solution that offers a range of products and services where whenever they are used and clicked on you will get paid e.g. when a visitor watches a film, listens to music, browses online shops, watches a training module, downloads free software or requests online technical support for their PC. What would be even better was if those products and services were all contained in a single module that was faster than an Internet browser, guaranteed safe and could sit on a PC desktop requiring only one click of a mouse to access it. But does such a program exist?
The answer is, no not yet, but in less than 90 days it will. A development that was $2.5 million in development is going to be made available to the Internet Marketing world within the next 90 days. It is going to be a PPC (pay per click) based module, but not for the ads that are sited there, it will be for anyone simply accessing any of the included products or services.
So when they click on films, sport, shopping, music, videos, and even when students click on lessons – YOU GET PAID!
Even when people just ’look’ YOU GET PAID
WHATEVER people click on YOU GET PAID