Reasons to Treat Marketing Emails Like Landing Pages
1Landing pages are websites where internet visitors are directed after clicking on an online advertisement. The leads generated through such visits hold the potential to turn into “hits” resulting in the sale of a particular product. This can be easily replicated by a well-designed email campaign by following a few simple steps.
This usually makes or breaks an email marketing campaign. Utmost care must be taken to design content which is most relevant to prospective clients and satisfies most of their queries. Compelling content always arouses customer interest and greatly increases the chances of a successful hit.
Effective emails have a very well-designed theme which very successfully drills the key bits of information into a prospective clients head. This is usually achieved by recognizing the central aim of the mail which can be anything ranging from marketing a particular product to hooking a client to subscribe to an email trail. The email must be conceived in such a way that the main message is given priority over everything else.
The proverb “Too many cooks spoil the broth” finds its most apt expression in email marketing. Often it’s been observed that marketers cannot resist the temptation to advertise multiple products in one mail. Trying to cram too much information in one mail is also not a good idea since it can easily distract and put off a viewer. Best practices suggest that it’s better that the email retains the spotlight on one particular product or service.
Email design guidelines:
Many people get irritated by the presence of multiple URL’s and pictures inside an email. It’s best to include only the most relevant links in the main body. Embedded pictures and videos can be very distracting and should be kept at a bare minimum. Most people decide to read or delete a mail by just looking at the heading. Hence the title must be very catchy, relevant and brief. An ideal email is one with a trendy heading and simple, easy to read and containing just about enough relevant content.
Marketing tips:
Industry research has established that discounts and promotional offers are more likely to induce a sale than anything else. It’s not a bad idea to offer rebates by clubbing two or more products together which helps to increase the volume of sales in addition to an increased profit margin over the long term. The offer should be credible and too good to refuse. Offering free shipping or lowering the home delivery charges can help to convince customers who might be put off by high shipping charges.
Miscellaneous tips:
Ideally the email should contain the contact number of the marketing company, preferably a toll-free number where customers can call in to obtain additional details of the product and have their relevant queries addressed. If the company has a tie up with a reputed company, then it’s not a bad idea to make a note of it in the email since association with a well-known brand can increase the trust level of customers who might be too a little hesitant initially to transact with a new site.
A well conceived email campaign is a potent marketing tool due to it’s massive instantaneous reach. It can be a great revenue generator and significantly cut down marketing costs.
About The author: Alia is an internet marketer/blogger. She loves travelling, meeting new peoples and SEO Services. These days she is working on feature that is related to SEO Morpheus that has affected due to recent Google and penguin update.
Great post Alia, it’s always nice to read the opinion of prominent figures in the industry! In the online age, it’s often very easy to dismiss direct marketing as an antiquated channel, but like anything else, I think it all boils down to execution. An imaginative, well-planned direct campaign will always trump a poorly executed online campaign.